Frequently Asked Questions
How many sessions will I need?
Everyone is different and everyone has a different need. Once we have been able to talk together and made some initial agreement of moving forward -periodically we can review how things are going and together we can decide when it feels appropriate to finish.
If this is a Christian service will you be praying for me?
Not everyone feels comfortable with personal prayer. This can be discussed together and it will be your decision if you would find this a helpful element within your counselling.
How regular will the appointments be?
It is considered to be beneficial to meet weekly but personal circumstance may be different for all. We can discuss your individual need at your introduction session and if circumstance change - we can talk about this as we go along.
Can I stop at any time?
This is your counselling journey. It will be up to you to decide what feels appropriate for you, however I would ask that you give me adequate notification as set out in the contract that you will be asked to sign at the initial session ( first paid session ).
How can I be certain that what I talk about remains confidential?
As a member of BACP I am obliged to adhere to their code of ethics and practice. There are a few exceptions to confidentiality that I am bound by law to adhere to. Any questions or concerns that you may have can be talked over at your free introduction session.
What can you help me with?
I have experience with the following :-
- Bereavement and loss
- Redundancy
- Low self-esteem
- Depression
- Couple counselling
- Marriage problems ( an individual )
- Faith Crisis
- Relationship issues
- Motivational issues
- Separation and divorce
- Pregnancy, miscarriage and birth
- Anger management
- Anxiety and stress
This is not a definitive list.
What are your charges?
45min phone or on-line session for both individuals & couples
Free Each subsequent session for 1 hour
Individuals - £50.00 Each subsequent session for 1½ hour
Couples - £65.00
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